Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bath Tub Fun & Daddy's proud tattoo

This week we had our first "tub" bath. Up until now we have only had sponge baths, but the tub was so much fun!! Weezer came over after work to help me do it. We had her in the kitchen as the pictures show, and of course our station of all items needed ready. Of course bath tubs have changed a little bit since I was a baby so Weezer thought the tub was kinda cool. Not sure a whole lot easier to bath in but still cool.
Bath time has gotten a lot faster and easier now that I am more comfortable giving it. The first time Scott and I bathed Peyton I had the "What to Expect the 1st year" book out reading it step by step as if I was following a cook book recipe. We even videoed the first one and it was well over 15 minutes long haha. Scott made fun of me because I took so long trying to make sure I followed all the steps. Now I can just go with the flow and the time it takes has definitely gone down.  Peyton loves bath time!! She does not fuss at all when we put the water on her or wash her hair. It sure does make it more enjoyable to bath her knowing she actually is enjoying it.

~Daddy's Tattoo
 This past weekend Daddy got a tattoo!!  Of course he has wanted a tattoo for a long time but was always so indecisive as to what he wanted.  Not on this one though. He came into the office the other day and said I know what I want to get...a tattoo of Peyton's foot with her name. We played around drawing footprints on paper and his side with permanent marker until we came up with the one he liked most.  Scott and I both love it!! Here it is.....

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