Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We have hit the half year mark!!!!

Visiting Paw Paw at The Dog Shack

Wow....I really can not believe that we have hit 6 months already. It sure did seem like the whole time I was pregnant all I could think about was how long 9 months had been but the second Peyton was born time sped up and hasn't slowed down a bit!! She is now weighing 15 pounds 8 ounces and measures 25 3/4 inches long.  The doctor said she is doing very well and thankfully her head has rounded out well too. ( There was a time where she had a little flat spot from laying on it too much and I was so nervous we would have to wear the corrective helmet to round it out). It is so rewarding to watch her grow and reach these big milestones. I am definitely one proud momma!

Ohh Carrots 
Hmmm...not too sure about them
This last month has been very busy and filled with lots of giggles and smiles! Peyton is now enjoying baby food ( a little late start for us) but nonetheless she has done great with eating. She has eaten her veggies well with sweet potatoes being her favorite so far. We are starting with fruits now which I am sure she will love. So far we have not had any allergies to the food, crossing fingers that that will continue to be the case :)

---Peyton has also learned how to stay sitting up on her own without any assistance. She had been working on this for a couple weeks in the beginning of March at daycare and has now pretty much mastered it. She  has a few times where she tumps back on the boppy, but for the most part she is good to go.
Sitting up on my own
---She reaches for everything now and brings it straight to her mouth. Lots of books and toys are full of slobber and many times we crack up at her trying so hard to eat it.
---We are in the stages of "teething" but have not had any teeth come through yet. Just a lot of gum pressure and fussing. Luckily after some tylenol and a little gum massage she is content. I am sure that when the teeth do decide to break through we will have a rough time with it.
Hanging out with Dad in the garage

I was just off for a whole week for Spring Break and it was great spending time with Peyton all day!! I really look forward to the summer now so that I can be home with her. We had an event and busy spring break. Peyton and I went with Bonnie and Braxton to the Allen outlets and shopped, we went to to dinner a lot (haha), hung out with many friends and family members, and celebrated Scott's 25th birthday. It was the best spring break I have ever had and in most it was thanks to my little love bug and wonderful hubby.  I am truly blessed!!