Thursday, October 28, 2010

Peyton's modeling debut....

This is from the website of Sassy Sugar Blossoms ( I took off some other info/pictures that were on the original website) A friend of ours bought the zebra skirt for Peyton from this boutique and we used it in her newborn pictures.  After I posted the pictures on Facebook the owner of the boutique, Angie asked if she could use the picture of Peyton modeling her product on her website. Of course I said yes, I thought how cool Peyton is a model and she is only 10 days old haha!!!  She looks very pretty in her zebra skirt, and I love this picture!


Sassy Sugar Blossoms is dedicated to offering sweet handmade baby and toddler girl accessories with lots of style. At an affordable price with unique designs and completely customizable you will find something special for your little one! Also specializing in high quality fashion accessories!
Please check out my pre-designed products or feel free to contact me for custom orders. Thank you for visiting my store and would love to hear from you. Email Blessings!Angie

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sleep Sleep Baby!!

For 3 nights now Peyton has slept for 8 hours during the night, WOW!! The first night it happened I woke up to hear grunting around 4:50am and freaked out thinking oh no I slept through her cries, poor baby is probably starving. I even woke up Scott asking him if he had got up with her but he had said no. I could not believe she has slept for a solid 8 hours, which meant I had got 6 full hours of restful sleep. It was so nice the next day to feel a bit more refreshed and energized after getting a better nights sleep. She has been staying up more during the day so I'm sure that has helped contribute to it. I have tried to keep the schedule the same or close at night so she gets used to it and will continue to sleep through the night. I am sure that will change especially when I go back to work in 2 weeks.

Speaking of work, I took Peyton up to school yesterday! I had to take a picture with my students for the Harvest Festival and it was sooo good to see them. They were all so excited and jumped out of their seats saying Mrs. Carney, Mrs. Carney are you staying today... poor things I had to tell them no but in 2 more weeks. I was so touched to see their bright smiles and all the hugs they gave me so ready for my return. I showed the little one around to my team and the ladies in the office, but not the kids. I did not want them to be around her yet especially with flu season starting. After she gets her shots Ill be able to let them see her, so a few more months.

I can't believe how fast my maternity leave has flown, in 2 weeks I go back. Even though I am looking forward to being with my students I know that it will be so hard to leave my baby girl. I do look forward though to the holidays and the days that I will get to be home with her and off of work!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

One Month Old....

Happy "One Month" Birthday 

Miss Peyton is one month old today!!! I can not believe how fast this last month has gone by, it feels like we were just coming home from the hospital with her yesterday. This first month of parenthood has brought so much into our lives: joy, love, tears, worry, sleep deprivation, and learning experiences.  I can now lay her in her bassinet and not worry as much about making sure she is breathing as I did the first week we were home. I have only called the pediatrician one time after worrying and that was to make sure her diaper activity was normal. Scott and I now both know what her hunger cues are, we especially love her hunger face or as we refer to it as her "Zoolander face". She makes a little "o" with her lips and leaves them like that for a few minutes haha. Scott is definitely the pro at burping! I can usually get the first 1-2 burps but hardly ever the last burp. Sometimes I have to wake him up at night and have him burp her. I swear all he has to do is put her in position and she lets one out, he has the special touch!

Peyton is gaining weight just wonderfully, as we figured due to her increased appetite! We went for her weight check this past week and were in awe at her weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces!! She has gained 2 pounds since birth. Her cheeks are legs are starting to fill out and she is as cute as ever. She is still in newborn clothes. I have tried to put her in some 0-3 month outfits but they are too big on her.  I can't wait til she can fit in those. We have soooo many clothes for her to wear, many given to us from family and friends.

Some of the things that have happened over this first month:

 ~ Scott and I ventured out twice on our own leaving her at home with our parents to babysit. The first time was harder than I thought it would be. I cried as soon as we hit the highway! We enjoyed dinner with friends,however by the end of the meal I was ready to get back home to her LOL.  The second time out was not as bad, I didn't even cry. I did however keep thinking something was missing since we did not have her in tow.

~Peyton has started developing her body strength more than what I expected. She is doing so good at trying to hold her neck up when on our chest and pushes her body back into an arch when sitting. I did not know babies could be so strong at such a young age. She has also discovered her  fingers and decided she likes to occasionally suck on her index finger. She now enjoys her bouncer and also loves to sleep in her napper on the pack and play.

~We have enjoyed many outings with friends and family. We like to go to  Bonnie &  Buddys, Mandi & Tony's, or Alicia's & Fletchers house for cookouts and football games. She has made friends with her Godbrother, Daniel Cabrera who is 3 months older than she is. And we can not wait until Madelyn and cousin Carney are here so they too can join in on the fun  =)

~She has started staying awake for longer periods of time and it is fun to watch her take everything in. She will stare at the lights and ceiling fan and I would love to know what she is thinking lol. Sometimes she chooses to stay awake during periods at night when all we want to do is sleep, but its not for too long.

Here is her "One month" picture which course it was on a Sunday when the Cowboys were playing so she is sporting one of her favorite teams: