Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We have hit the half year mark!!!!

Visiting Paw Paw at The Dog Shack

Wow....I really can not believe that we have hit 6 months already. It sure did seem like the whole time I was pregnant all I could think about was how long 9 months had been but the second Peyton was born time sped up and hasn't slowed down a bit!! She is now weighing 15 pounds 8 ounces and measures 25 3/4 inches long.  The doctor said she is doing very well and thankfully her head has rounded out well too. ( There was a time where she had a little flat spot from laying on it too much and I was so nervous we would have to wear the corrective helmet to round it out). It is so rewarding to watch her grow and reach these big milestones. I am definitely one proud momma!

Ohh Carrots 
Hmmm...not too sure about them
This last month has been very busy and filled with lots of giggles and smiles! Peyton is now enjoying baby food ( a little late start for us) but nonetheless she has done great with eating. She has eaten her veggies well with sweet potatoes being her favorite so far. We are starting with fruits now which I am sure she will love. So far we have not had any allergies to the food, crossing fingers that that will continue to be the case :)

---Peyton has also learned how to stay sitting up on her own without any assistance. She had been working on this for a couple weeks in the beginning of March at daycare and has now pretty much mastered it. She  has a few times where she tumps back on the boppy, but for the most part she is good to go.
Sitting up on my own
---She reaches for everything now and brings it straight to her mouth. Lots of books and toys are full of slobber and many times we crack up at her trying so hard to eat it.
---We are in the stages of "teething" but have not had any teeth come through yet. Just a lot of gum pressure and fussing. Luckily after some tylenol and a little gum massage she is content. I am sure that when the teeth do decide to break through we will have a rough time with it.
Hanging out with Dad in the garage

I was just off for a whole week for Spring Break and it was great spending time with Peyton all day!! I really look forward to the summer now so that I can be home with her. We had an event and busy spring break. Peyton and I went with Bonnie and Braxton to the Allen outlets and shopped, we went to to dinner a lot (haha), hung out with many friends and family members, and celebrated Scott's 25th birthday. It was the best spring break I have ever had and in most it was thanks to my little love bug and wonderful hubby.  I am truly blessed!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fun Pictures over the last month!

Yay for rice cereal!!
Oh yum yum daddy

Jump, Jump, Jump
Snow Day Fun
I love my cousin!!

Beautiful Girls

Daddy keeping Peyton warm

Peyton and Mommy

Such a sweet boy!!

Daniel's Baptism

Papa's surprise party!!

Happy Valentine's Day

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

5 Month Update!!!

My sweet baby girl is now 5 months and 6 days old.   Scott and I weighed and measured her the other night and she is now at 25 inches and 14 pounds.  She is growing sooo fast!! We have had some exciting fun this past month from snow days (totaling a full week) to starting rice cereal!  
We started Peyton on rice cereal at the end of January and at first she hesitated but then she picked it right up. On the second time trying she figured out that once that spoon comes near her she needs to open up! She had been doing so good with the rice and we are now starting it twice a day. She has one feeding at daycare and the other I usually give her unless her dad asks to do it, I try to share  ;)  

Peyton now reaches out for things in front of her, especially if she is interested in it. She grabs at the toys on her jumperoo and the toys we put in her lap. Sometimes I think she might turn out left handed since she uses that hand so much but of course the other one is in her mouth 90% of the time so who knows lol. She is a giggle box. I love when she really gets rolling laughing and a lot of times its at simple things like the dogs or a silly face. She knows her name and can tell where a voice is coming from. It is so amazing to watch her and see her little mind working and her motions coordinating along. 

Things have been full swing at work for the last month with getting ready for testing and trying to catch up on the week we missed for snow/ice weather. I still can't believe we were out of school that many days, oh well it was more time I got to spend with baby girl. There are some key points that I look forward to everyday:

-The first being getting her up in the morning. I love going in her room and her hearing me come in and start to look around. She is so observant and notices the slightest sounds now. Her sweet smiles make my day no matter how tired I am from being up so early.  She spends a little time with me in the bathroom while I do my hair and makeup. I love the way she watches me and how she is so talkative in the mornings. 

-The second is feeding her cereal at dinner time. I have learned how not to get flustered if she hesitates or stops halfway through the bowl. If I stay calm she stays calm. I love talking to her and telling her about what I am feeding her and what I am using, spoon, bowl etc. I know she does not understand yet but it is fun to talk to her about it all. I love the faces she makes when she has the rice all over her mouth and Im trying to get it off. She makes a little hum/grunt every time the spoon goes in her mouth. 

-And the last is bath and bed time. She is always so happy during bath time. She loves the water and does so well even if I happen to get water on her face. Scott normally joins us for bath time and its all 3 of us in there talking and giggling. I wash and daddy dries! It is a great system. After bath comes bottle, story/singing, and rocking. I love the feeling of holding her in my arms letting her drift off to sleep. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2011 & The 4 Month Post!!

Whoo Hoo for 2011... yes I am a little behind seeing as it is now Jan 19th. Oh well better late than never. 

New Years Eve:
To start off the year we had a New Years Eve party at the house this year. We had great friends and family to celebrate with and had a great time. It was also the first time I got to babysit my little nephew Braxton before the party started. I was in absolute heaven having him and Peyton in my arms.  Peyton unfortunately only lasted until about 9:30pm, Braxton on the other hand was a party animal. He stayed up to ring in the New Year with everyone. 

4 Months and time sure is ROLLING by very quickly:
We took Peyton for her 4 month check up January 10th. I was so excited that I was able to go with her and Scott to the doctor this time. The first time I had just gone back to work and thought it would look bad if I took a day off right after I returned from 8 weeks off. But this time I did not care, I went!!  She weighed in at 12 pounds 13 ounces and is measuring 23 inches long!!! Her doctor says she is still a little under average for her age but seeing as how she was small and born early she is making excellent progress. We have been given the OK to start rice cereal which I am very excited to try. At this appointment she also had to get her 2nd round of shots. I will just say that I hate having to watch a baby get shots!!!  Even though the nurse was super fast I could not wait to pick her up and comfort her. She immediately turned red and started crying. It only lasted for about 5 minutes but that was too long for me. Poor thing!! This was my first experience to be with her getting shots and lets just say I will not look forward to the next round. 

On a brighter note Peyton is getting so big and Scott and I are enjoying every minute of it!! She now has pretty good neck/head control and can sit in her bumbo seat and we have even put her in her new jumperoo. Her feet do not quite go all the way to the floor and bounce but she will be there soon. 

Some other things she is now doing:

-Moving around in her crib. I will put her in one position and she will shimmey her way down the crib and out of sight on the video monitor. So of course I go and check to make sure she is still good and adjust the monitor lol. 
-She had found her feet and likes to play with them. She even has tried to put them in her mouth. 
-Slobbery Hands!!!  She constantly has her hands in her mouth playing with her tongue. So of course her mouth and shirt are always wet. 
-ROLLING OVER!!!!   She rolled over from tummy to back at the daycare on Jan 17th. And then she did it again when I got home from school. I was so excited that it was not just a fluke accident but more intentional this time. She has done it a few times since then, but of course never when I have the video camera out haha. 

January 11, 2011

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas in Louisiana!!!!

This year we spent Christmas in Louisiana. We alternate each year here and there. My mother's family is from Slidell, Louisiana...a 9 hour drive. Now normally we would get up extremely early to being our long drive but this was the first time having to take it with an infant. I was a little nervous about how Peyton would do on such a long drive. Turns out she did excellent!! We left at 1pm on Wed and only had to stop once to feed and change her half way through, and then she slept the rest of the drive. At one time I did have to climb into the back seat to entertain her but then she went back to sleep. We got there at about 9:50pm. This was the first time for my Grandparents to meet their Great Granddaughter!!
Grandmama & Pops!!!
It was so sweet, they fell in love with her at first sight! I would have figured that Peyton would not have wanted to go to sleep that night but she took her bottle, played with Pops and Grandmama and then was able to sleep all night!!

I am so excited that Peyton was able to meet the rest of her family over the few days that we were in Louisiana!! She was handed from person to person on a daily basis but overall did very well with all the new faces.
Weezer & Nubnose feeding baby girl

In Daddy's socks  =)

Peyton's 1st Christmas Experience:

On Christmas Eve we had our traditional roast beef po boy dinner and exchanged gifts with the Grandkids, Aunts and Uncles, and Parents.  My Grandpa sits by the tree and calls out each gift. This is something that I look forward to every time we go to Louisiana, not for the gifts but for the time spent with my family that I do not see but once maybe twice a year.
Peyton was all dressed up nice and pretty in her red Christmas dress ( thanks to Gamma), however she fell asleep right after opening presents. I had to settle for her being asleep in our family photo by the tree, then of course after I change her she wakes up haha. I was so excited for Santa to come and visit Peyton. Even though she was fast asleep we set out cookies and hung up her stocking for Santa to come.  This was such a fun experience for me even though she is too little to understand Santa yet, I had a great time =)
1st Christmas Eve

Christmas Morning....
Weezer, Paw Paw & Peyton
Up and early at 6:30 am! I could not wait for her to get up and for us to wake the rest of the house. Im such a nerd, she is not even able to talk and I was sooo excited to get photos of what Santa brought. Everything was by the tree with a few ribbons and a full stocking!  My sister, parents, Uncle B, and Grandparents were with us to share in Peyton's First Christmas morning! This will always be a very special memory for me. Santa delivered a swing, jumparoo, shirts, and some other little things!

Gamma, Grandpa, & Peyton
The rest of the day was spent with more family and a wonderful Christmas dinner. That night we went to Nubnose's house to watch the game. We left the next morning bright and early and needless to say it was very hard to leave. That night Nubnose ( my Aunt) and I cried hugging each other bye. This I blame on the hormones and new mother emotions LOL.

 We left Sunday morning to drive back home and Peyton slept the ENTIRE way home. She was definitely worn out from such an exciting vacation! We got to Scott's parents house that evening and had our 2nd Christmas with the rest of our family! Peyton was full smiles with her Gamma and Grandpa.
We had so much exchanging gifts and taking pictures with Peyton and Braxton!

I am so thankful for the amazing Christmas we had this year. I am truly blessed to have an amazing husband, a beautiful & wonderful baby girl, and such loving family members.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

3 Months Old

Peyton turned 3 months old on December 10th. WOW, how time flies even faster when you have a baby. She is getting so big! Not sure on her length but she is weighing in at around 12 pounds now.  She has done such a great job sleeping in her crib and continues to sleep through the night.  In the mornings when I get her out of her crib she is nothing but smiles. I love seeing her smile at me. Peyton and I have had many conversations, I could go on and on with her. Since being back at school I have gotten used to the new schedule but I sure am tired! I try to hurry up and get ready in the mornings so I can spend a little bit of time with her cuddling and playing and then I leave as soon as possible after school to hurry home to her. I love walking in the door and seeing her smile at me. She knows that mama is home!!

She did come down with her first cold  this past week  =(   She has been congested mainly at night and in the morning, but it looks like it is going away. It sure is hard to know that your little one is not feeling good.

Here are some of the things she is now doing:

-Giggling out loud. (We have only heard her out loud a few times, but it is the greatest sound in the world)

-She is grasping things now, but only if it is close. Things like my shirt, her own clothes, and her blankets. She does not grab for stuff yet but is able to touch something and then hold onto to it.

-She is super observant, and is able to follow someone/thing in front of her all the way from side to side. She has also started turning her head more in the direction of a sound when she hears it.

-She has done really well with keeping her head up without support. After a while though she has to take a quick break and then is right back up to moving her head around. Scott and I have tried to hold her sitting up so she can strengthen those back muscles that will eventually help her sit without support.

So more great news.......

~Peyton has a new cousin!!!  Braxton Ryan was born on Nov. 30th.  He is a splitting image of his daddy, and is absolutely precious. Peyton loves her new cousin already.

~My sister Jennifer graduated from MSU over this past weekend with her business degree. We are so proud of her!! We went on our first mini road trip to Wichita Falls to watch her graduate. Peyton did really well, she was having fun with me and Weezer in the back seat. And on the way back home she slept the entire time!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gobble Gobble and more!

1st Thanksgiving
Grampa and Peyton
Our First Thanksgiving as a family was absolutely wonderful!  There are so many things that Scott and I were thankful for this year, or course the number one thing being our beautiful daughter. We are so blessed to have jobs, good health, and loving family and friends. Thanksgiving was  a super busy day, but we had such a great time. We went to Laura and Mel's first and then to my Nanas with my parents. Lets just say that Peyton was never sitting down except for the short, very short nap she had at Lauras. She was being passed around the family like a football haha! She was so exhausted from all passing around that she slept 10 hours that night!!

Nana, Ju, Peyton
Before we left Nanas she went ahead and cured Peyton of any possible "ojo". (In the hispanic culture there is a thing called "Ojo".  It is called the evil eye and happens when people admire babies and do not touch them after. Babies are then said to come down with symptoms of sickness etc. ) She rubbed an egg over Peyton several times and then cracked it into a glass of water. Luckily Peyton did not have too much ojo. There was some air bubbles which meant that she was being exposed to too much air, like a fan or wind. And there was only some pieces of white that were floating. If there is any white in the water from the egg it means that the ojo was taken out of the baby and put into the egg. Peyton is doing just as great as before so luckily we have had no problems with ojo and her getting sick. My mom is a huge believer in "ojo"and that you should always touch a baby after admiring it. (I was even surprised on Halloween night when a mom that was with her kids asked if she could touch Peyton after saying how beautiful she was because she did not want to giver her ojo. I of course said yes by all means touch her LOL. )

Weezer VS Paw Paw (Peyton is neutral)
Over the rest of the weekend Scott, Peyton, and I went shopping and got the house ready for Christmas. We went to Carters, Best Buy, and Target on Saturday. Peyton did awesome being out and about for so long! She is such a champ, Scott on the other hand was pretty ready to go towards the end. On Sunday I got the tree put up and decorated the living room while Scott hung the lights outside.

I have enjoyed this holiday break so much that I am not ready to go back to work tomorrow. Peyton is now cooing/talking so much in the mornings when she gets up. I love laying there and listening to her talk. I can not wait until Christmas break when I  have 2 weeks off!!

On the last note, I am getting so excited about being an Aunt again. Bonnie's due date was officially today but no baby yet. She will be induced on Wednesday if it does not happen by then. I am so eager to find out if I will have a niece or a nephew. I'll post results later this week  =)